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Dental Insurance for Kids


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Dental Insurance for Children: A Parent’s Guide

Wednesday, Jul. 24th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome to, your trusted resource for everything related to your baby’s dental health. Our mission is to provide parents with valuable information and guidance on maintaining their baby’s oral hygiene and ensuring healthy teeth and gums as they grow. Whether you have questions about teething, dental care, or early signs of dental issues, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us at 310-534-3444 for expert advice and support.

Checking for early signs of dental cavities in babies at home is essential for their oral health. Here are a few things you can do to monitor for early signs of dental cavities:

Check for visible signs: White spots or spots on the tooth. A white spot may signify that acids are breaking down the enamel on the tooth. Even if you keep the area clean of plaque by using fluoride toothpaste, your enamel can continue to break down. From there, it will start to show as a dark spot on the tooth, which, if left untreated, can develop into a cavity. If left untreated, the cavity will deepen until it eventually reaches the pulp and infects the health of the nerve and blood vessels. Once that happens, you may start to have a toothache.

Some more signs can be visible pits, holes, and teeth discoloration. From this, you can see the stages in which it will progress. Spot it soon enough, and your baby will need minimal dental treatment. It goes without saying the longer you wait, the worse it gets, which will cause your baby to require more extensive dental work.

It’s important to remember that regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring your baby’s oral health and catching any dental issues early. If you notice any concerning signs, it’s best to consult a pediatric dentist for proper evaluation and guidance.

Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Your Child’s Dental Health at Home

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on maintaining your child’s dental health at home! This post will explore practical strategies to ensure your child’s baby teeth stay healthy and strong. By following our expert tips and advice, you can play a crucial role in safeguarding your child’s dental well-being from an early age. Let’s dive into the essential practices that will help you lay the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health for your little one.

1. Begin early: When your baby’s first tooth appears, starting dental care is essential. Clean your baby’s gums and newly erupted teeth with a soft, damp cloth or a small, soft toothbrush designed for infants. Establishing good oral hygiene habits early on can help set the foundation for your baby’s overall dental health. Regular dental care from an early age can also help your baby become more comfortable with dental visits as they grow older.

2. Brush regularly: Once your child has multiple teeth, introduce a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste. Make sure to brush your child’s teeth at least twice daily, especially after meals and bedtime.

3. Monitor diet: It is essential to monitor your diet to maintain good oral health. Limiting the consumption of sugary snacks and drinks is advisable, as they can contribute to tooth decay. Instead, encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These food items can help promote strong and healthy teeth by providing essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamin C. By making these dietary adjustments, you can support the overall health of your teeth and gums.

4. Encourage water consumption: Encouraging water consumption is crucial for maintaining good overall health. Water not only helps to keep the body hydrated but also plays a vital role in oral health. It aids in rinsing the mouth, which can help prevent cavities and promote fresh breath. Additionally, drinking adequate water throughout the day can help maintain saliva production, essential for neutralizing acids and protecting tooth enamel.

5. Regular dental check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining your child’s oral health. It’s recommended to schedule regular dental visits for your child, starting around their first birthday. These check-ups are essential for the early detection of any potential dental issues and to ensure that your child receives proper dental care. By establishing a routine of regular dental visits from an early age, you can help instill good oral hygiene habits that will benefit your child for a lifetime.

6. Lead by example: Children learn by watching and imitating their parents. Set a positive example by maintaining oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly. Demonstrating good oral health habits can help your child understand the importance of caring for their teeth and gums. Your guidance and support can significantly impact your child’s attitude towards dental care.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided valuable insights into maintaining your child’s dental health at home. By following these expert tips and advice, you can significantly ensure your child’s oral well-being from an early age. Remember, establishing good oral hygiene habits and seeking regular dental check-ups are key to promoting healthy teeth and gums for your little one. Thank you for trusting as your resource for all things related to your baby’s dental health. If you have any further questions or need support, feel free to contact us at 310-534-3444. Wishing you and your child a lifetime of good oral health!

What is the dental term for Dentures? 

Monday, Apr. 1st 2024 3:47 PM

Question: I have old partials and would like new ones, but I need dental insurance first. So, I am looking at the plans but need help finding dentures and partial coverage information on the fee schedule when reviewing an HMO insurance plan. I want to have coverage for what I need. 

Answer: Dentures can usually be found under the Prosthetics services. I have listed some ADA codes for dentures. I hope it helps you. 

5110/5120 Complete upper or lower denture

5130/5140 Immediate upper or lower denture

5211/5212 Upper or lower partial denture, resin base

5213/5214 Upper or lower partial denture, cast metal

framework with resin denture bases

5410/5411 Adjust denture

5421/5422 Adjust partial denture

If you need interim partial dentures, look for codes 5820/5821. These codes refer to upper or lower interim partial dentures that can be used temporarily while waiting for a permanent solution. I hope this information is helpful to you in finding the coverage you need for your dental needs.

Posted on Apr. 1st 2024 | by carol | in Kids Dental Insurance | No Comments »

Dental care, Fluoride in Drinking Water

Monday, Jul. 4th 2011 8:34 AM

Fluoride is a trace element found naturally on Earth. It is not usually considered an essential element because people don’t need it to grow, but it does provide huge benefits in the form of preventing tooth decay. The health of the teeth and gums can be an indicator of general health, and tooth decay can even indicate other problems such as heart disease, so it is important to ensure that the teeth and gums remain healthy.

Adding fluoride to drinking water began in 1945. It was discovered by scientists that people living in areas that had water with naturally-occurring fluoride had less cavities. By further studying this concept, scientists found that fluoride could help stop and even reverse tooth decay by rebuilding the enamel on the outside of the teeth. The Michigan town of Grand Rapids contained the first public water system to implement fluoridation, and more than 60 percent of the entire country used fluoridated drinking water by 1992. The Center for Disease Control named fluoridated water one of the most important scientific advancements of the 20th century.

It is unclear even to scientists exactly how fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel, but there is evidence that suggests it has something to do with the amount of minerals in the teeth. Tooth enamel can become corroded by organic acids found in food and drinks, but fluoride that has been absorbed in the body and is contained in the saliva can remineralize the enamel by interacting with phosphate and calcium already present.

The best time for fluoride consumption is during childhood. During this period, the teeth and bones are still forming, and the fluoride added to the diet strengthens them in preparation for the future. Just like any other health concern, it is best to prevent problems in the first place rather than deal with them after they have already occurred. Preventing cavities and decay is the primary goal of fluoridation. Fluoridated drinking water saves people much worry, pain, and money, especially people who may have certain concerns regarding dental insurance.

While many dentists, doctors, and professionals specializing in public health agree that fluoridated drinking water is healthy and helps to prevent tooth decay, there are also many opponents. Some people claim that adding fluoride to public drinking water is “forced medication” and also that it can lead to certain types of cancer, like thyroid cancer. Many independent and government studies have proven that there is no link between fluoridated drinking water and cancer, so those claims remain unsubstantiated by actual studies and evidence. In addition, other studies have shown that a population without fluoridated drinking water shows an increased risk of tooth decay.

The recommended daily intake for fluoride is 2.5 milligrams. Any more than this amount can cause brown or mottled teeth, and any less than this amount will lead to an increased risk for tooth decay. Generally, additional fluoride supplements are not needed, as the required amount is met by drinking the provided amount of fluoridated drinking water.

Posted on Jul. 4th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | No Comments »

Kids dental care, Pulling out baby teeth

Monday, May. 16th 2011 12:00 PM

Kids dental care, Pulling out baby teeth.  My son has two baby teeth that are really loose.  You can see the adult teeth coming in but the baby teeth have yet to come out.  Should I take him to a dentist to have them pulled?  Or will they come out if I just leave them alone.  I do not have much money but I take him to the dentist is need be.   Helpful advise please

Posted on May. 16th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Help | 3 Comments »

Dental Insurance for good health care

Saturday, May. 14th 2011 11:48 AM

Dental Insurance for good health care.  I do not have dental insurance and I am thinking about getting it just to have.  I want to have good dental health care and I think if I got some dental insurance I would use it and therefore see the dentist like I should.  What is a good low cost plan for me to get.

Posted on May. 14th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | 1 Comment »

Kids dental care at the dental office

Thursday, May. 12th 2011 11:42 AM

Kids dental care at the dental office.  My son is two and I just got one of  your dental plans for us.  I am going to be making him his frist dental appoint but I do not know what to expect.  What will his first dental appoint be like?  Can I stay with him the whole time?  He tend to act up if I am not within eye site.

Posted on May. 12th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | 2 Comments »

Saving money off dental care services for children

Tuesday, May. 10th 2011 1:00 PM

Saving money off dental care services for children. Cost of dental care is still going up while along with all the cost of living expense.  The problem for many people is that we are still making the same amount of money or less in some cases.  If you have child then you know when it comes to their health care that is not something you want to put off.

The same is true about their dental care only there is not too many options to get lower cost dental care services for kids due to many state cut backs.   With that said it is even more important to think about getting either dental insurance or a dental discount plan in order to help keep your dental cost low and affordable.

There are many good low cost dental insurance plans.  Normally for lower cost insurance plans you want to review dental HMO’s.  Many of which offer free preventive dental care.   With a dental discount plan you pay for everything at a much reduced or discount cost making dental services more affordable on a very low cost dental plan.

If you are looking into these  dental options for you and or your family review the many different plan options we have to offer on,  and please feel free to call our member service line at 310-534-3444  8-5 CA time M-F.  They be happy to address any questions you may have about the available dental plans offered.

Posted on May. 10th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 1 Comment »

Dental teeth care for kids and teens

Sunday, May. 8th 2011 11:53 AM

Dental teeth care for kids and teens.  I have a five year old and a 13 year old.  I looking for a family dental plan and thinking about getting one from this web site.   Anything I should know about buying a dental plan on line?  Also I do not know why but my five year old is better at taking care of his teeth my my 13 year old is.  What can I do to get my 13 year old to have better oral  health habits

Posted on May. 8th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Plans | 3 Comments »

Buying the best dental plan for my children

Friday, May. 6th 2011 11:44 AM

Buying the best dental plan for my children.   I live in North Carolina. We have three kids from 2 – 12 and we currently do not have any dental insurance do to changes that happen in our lives.  We want a good dental insurance mainly for our kids dental health care.  But I new to shopping for dental insurance and do not know what would be the best plan to get for our kids.

Posted on May. 6th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 1 Comment »

Kids dental insurance for preventive dental care

Wednesday, May. 4th 2011 11:38 AM

Kids dental insurance for preventive dental care.   Where can I get a good but lower cost plan for my two children under the age of nine.   I am hard working and my husband works hard to but we just make enough to get by.  We put off our dental care needs and I do not want my children to have to put of theirs.  Please looking for good dental plan we can get the family .

Posted on May. 4th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 3 Comments »

Low cost dental care for kids in New Jersey

Monday, May. 2nd 2011 12:55 PM

Low cost dental care for kids in New Jersey.  I have a seven year old daughter and no dental insurance.  She been to the dentist a few times but not on a regular basis since I can not always afford to take her.   I would like to know where I can go to get affordable dental care for low income household kids.  I not asking for myself but I would think there would be something for kids.   Please advise.

Posted on May. 2nd 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | 1 Comment »

Buying Dental Insurance Online for kids and families

Sunday, May. 1st 2011 12:50 PM

Buying Dental Insurance Online for kids and families.   I do not know much about how to go about buying dental insurance for myself and my two boys.   My insurance agent does not sell dental insurance and told me to go online and get some since dental insurance plans are cheap and easy to get online.   I do not know where to find the cheap and easy  dental insurance plans and hoping you can help.

Posted on May. 1st 2011 | by admin | in Dental Help | 1 Comment »

Maryland dental insurance for a minor.

Saturday, Apr. 30th 2011 10:36 AM

Maryland dental insurance for a minor.  Hi I have a six year old son that live in Maryland.  My X-wife just told me that she wants to take him to the dentist and I am to find and pay for his dental insurance.   I do not mind getting dental insurance for my son but my wife wants to have it start yesterday so she can keep his dental appointment or she is going to send me the dental bill without having any dental insurance so I can pay that.    I am not sure how to find dental insurance that starts that fast.

Posted on Apr. 30th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 2 Comments »

New York Children Dental Insurance for a Special Needs Child.

Friday, Apr. 29th 2011 1:31 PM

New York Children Dental Insurance for a Special Needs Child.  My wife and I have taken over care of my sister eight year old son.   He is a special needs child and needs a lot of care dental being one of them.  My sister did not take proper care of him at all and let his teeth go bad.   I am glad that they are still baby teeth but he needs a good over all dental plan where he can start getting dental help with his teeth.  I pay more for better benefits but I worry about having waiting periods.   Can you suggest a plan to us.

Posted on Apr. 29th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | 2 Comments »

Best family dental insurance plan in Texas

Thursday, Apr. 28th 2011 9:27 AM

Best family dental insurance plan in Texas.  My husband just had a job change which made us loose our dental benefits for our family.  With having three kids this is not something I do not what to wait around with.   It be nice to keep our dentist but cost is a fact with a family of five so if we need to change provider we will do so.  Looking for an affordable dental insurance plan of no more then $70 a month.  Do you have any dental insurance plans within those guild lines.

Posted on Apr. 28th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Plans | No Comments »

Family Dental Insurance and benefits for New York

Wednesday, Apr. 27th 2011 9:31 AM

Family Dental Insurance and benefits for New York. How much would it cost to have filling done in three teeth? My 16 year old son has cavities in his front teeth and want them to be filled in without them looking obvious. I guessing he would need to have white fillings?

We do not have any dental insurance and he needs to see a dentist about his teeth. When reviewing your plans how do I know th cost of coverages for fillings. Trying to find the lowest cost plan that has the best price for fillings to be done. Thanks.

Posted on Apr. 27th 2011 | by admin | in Cavities | 2 Comments »

Florida Family Dental Insurance Plans with no waiting periods.

Tuesday, Apr. 26th 2011 9:16 AM

Florida Family Dental Insurance Plans with no waiting periods. I live in Florida and have a family of five. My husband job drop their dental benefits but is providing better major medical benefits.  Over all it is a good change,  but in June we will no longer have dental benefits .

I would like to find a dental insurance plan that we can by on our own that offers good coverages without all the long term waiting periods.  With children you can never tell when they may need dental care and I do not want them having to wait for any dental service that they may need.  Do you have anything that can help us out?

Posted on Apr. 26th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | 1 Comment »

Children Dental Care, and why you should have Family Dental Insurance.

Monday, Apr. 25th 2011 8:48 AM

Children Dental Care, and why you should have Family Dental Insurance. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggest that a child should see a dentist at the cutting of their first tooth and no later then their first birthday.  Yet there is still only around 25 percent of two years old have seen a dentist.  One of the causing factor is cost and the  lack of having dental insurance.

This said many American family and their children are currently without any dental insurance.   Without having dental insurance benefits from work or buying a personal dental insurance plan, the odds are higher that dental care is being put off.

However the problem is your toddler’s teeth are especially susceptible to cavities. In most states there are many good low cost dental insurance plans you can get for your child and your family. Look towards an HMO if you want a lower cost dental plan. There are also dental discount plans in every state which will help reduce all your family dental care cost. There is no need to go without and put your child oral healthcare at a higher risk.

If you have any questions about the availalbe dental plan options that we have to offer please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 CA time 8-5 M-F they be happy to help you.

Posted on Apr. 25th 2011 | by admin | in Dental Care | No Comments »

Family Dental Insurance, Any Provider Vs. Limited Choice of Providers Plans.

Sunday, Apr. 24th 2011 8:46 AM

Family Dental Insurance, Any Provider Vs. Limited Choice of Providers Plans. In more traditional policies (such as dental Indemnity plans) they allow the insured to obtain dental treatment from any dental provider and be reimbursed for claims made according to the plans benefits.

Where as on HMOs dental insurance plans limit coverage to services provided by the HMO’s providers and PPOs dental insurance plans provide a list of providers for whom benefits are provided on a preferred basis (while covering dental services of non-listed dental providers can be on a less favorable basis).

Posted on Apr. 24th 2011 | by carol | in Dental Plans | No Comments »

Affordable family Dental insurance plans in Florida.

Saturday, Apr. 23rd 2011 7:53 AM

Affordable family Dental insurance plans in Florida.  Hello I live in Florida and I am looking for an affordable family dental plan that I can get for my wife and our six year old  child. We do not have any dental insurance currently and I figure I can afford to spend no more then $80.00  a month for a family dental insurance plan.  What do you have to offer in my price range and how fast can we use it.

Posted on Apr. 23rd 2011 | by admin | in Dental Insurance | No Comments »


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